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Dentist [#3301]

$300,000 – $400,000 yearly

Arthur Marshall Inc

Last Updated: 3/09/25

Job Description

Would you like to practice dentistry in North Carolina?

Dentist-owned practice, not a DSO, is looking to add a new associate to work in on of their state-of-the-art clinics in different communities in North Carolina including Pinehurst, Fayetteville, north of Raleigh or near the beach. They require one year of experience either in the U.S. or your home country and will offer a fantastic financial and benefits package.


  • 4-day work week.
  • No call or weekends


  • 32% - 35% of production based on production, not collections
  • $400k per year is obtained by most of their productive dentist
  • Perform all the cases you are comfortable with or just do bread and butter cases
  • $1000 a day until your production kicks in which is usually only a month or two
  • No waiting for collections to come in.

To schedule a time to speak click here. [Register to View] or send me an email and we can set up a time to discuss the group and their current openings.

Will Jones

Senior Recruiting Consultant

Direct Voice/Text: [Register to View]

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Company Details

Irving, Texas, United States
ARTHUR|MARSHALL is the nation's premier provider of Dental search solutions and strategies. The firm represents Dental opportunities across the U.S.