Cornerstone Dental Specialties
Irvine, California, United States
Irvine, California, United States
Company Information
Cornerstone Dental Specialties set out over 25 years ago to answer these questions; How do we deliver Endodontic services through a unique platform that is simple, better, and faster? How could a Practice serve its associates, its referrals, and most importantly, their mutual patients more effectively? The answer was combining state of the art technology, collaborative treatment planning methods, improved communication, cutting edge equipment, and algorithms honed by dozens of talented Endodontists over hundreds of thousands of cases. We not only have Endodontists practicing under us throughout the United States but we have also started the process of acquiring practices in order to be able to create a streamlined root canal experience for our patients. As we expand our business and see the potential it provides for the dental community as a whole, we have restructured to include multiple surgical specialties along with general practitioners as we expand across the United States.